Our first day tour in the Moffat area! We picked up a guest in Carlisle before meeting the other guests in the 'Eagle Town' itself. John and Ewan Miles aimed to provide the guests with an introduction to the surrounding habitats and wildlife, along with showing examples of the different managements of these rural areas and how it impacts the local wildlife.
We encountered 40 species of birds during the day, including 6 species of raptor. There was a keen appetite to try and see the iconic Golden Eagle, and we managed to see three birds! Ring Ouzel and male Peregrine were other notes, along with a Buzzard carrying an Adder! All bird records were submitted to BTO British Trust for Ornithology's 'Birdtrack'.
We included a strong input on the amazing efforts by all at the South Of Scotland Golden Eagle Project and the incredible habitat/woodland restoration work being done by the Border Forest Trust.
* Nature Scotland is very committed to providing non-intrusive wildlife experiences, that have a strong emphasis on education. We also maintain high sensitivity on any schedule 1 species we may be observing during tours.