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Ewan Miles


DAY ONE – Welcome & North Mull

We met in sunny Tobermory and headed straight out to the nearby habitats. The first species were Little Grebe and a Black-throated Diver! BTDs are a scarce bird on Mull, especially in their summer plumage.

Moving further to the west we were treated to Golden Eagles displaying right over our head! Slow Worms and Hen Harriers were also seen.

On the machair we enjoyed Frog Orchid, Knapweed, Lady’s Bedstraw, Kidney Vetch, Fairy Flax, Common Centaury and Perennial Sowthistle.

After lunch, we were treated to four Adders and two more Golden Eagles! On our final stop of the day, we watched White-tailed Eagles soaring in front of us and

Iolo spotted ‘dolphin splash’ to the NW to build our appetite for the morning's boat tour!

DAY TWO – Boat tour and NE Mull

We boarded the Rathlin Express for our 4-hour boat tour with Sea Life Mull. Sightings included Common Dolphins, Minke Whales, Harbour Porpoise, White-tailed Eagle and a Great Skua getting mobbed by an Arctic Tern! Other seabirds included Manx Shearwater, Storm Petrel, Common Guillemots, Razorbills, Puffins and Kittiwakes.

We had lunch in Tobermory and spotted two Golden Eagles soaring over the town. This was the first time Ewan had seen this species over the town in his 15 years on the Isle.

Our afternoon walk in the sunshine produced more Golden Eagles overhead and Green Tiger Beetles, along with regular sounds of overhead Redpoll.


We ventured down to the south-east of the island and called into a bay on the eastern side of Mull first of all. We were excited to carry on the ‘diver fest’ as we saw Great-northern and Red-throated Divers in summer plumage! That was the ‘diver hatrick’, a first for us on a summer package.

Further to the south we went for a coastal walk and Emma spotted an Adder on the track! We then watched an adult Golden Eagle soaring across the channel and then shortly afterwards a juvenile White-tailed Eagle. Feral Goats were grazing across the water and we also saw a raft of Shags just offshore.

Plant species included Bog Myrtle, Pale Butterwort, Round-leaved Sundew, Bog Asphodel, Cross-leaved Heath and Common Butterwort.

Back towards the van, we spotted an Otter! We all managed views in the binoculars and scope.

DAY FOUR – South Mull

On our first stop of the day, Klay got onto an Otter within minutes! We also watched two

newly fledged White-tailed Eagles and an adult perched up in nearby conifers. Further round the loch we got an adult White-tailed Eagle out on a reef with Harbour

Seals hauled out in front of the bird. There were also Grey Seals nearby as well.We had lunch in view of an active White-tailed Eagle nest and enjoyed views of the nest-

ling sat upright and one of the adults brought in prey.

After lunch we were privileged to watch both eagle species, sharing a thermal right overhead! The male Golden Eagle was a juvenile due to the white patches on his wings and tail. The White-tailed Eagle was an adult bird due to the white tail and blond head, she looked to be a female as she was a lot bigger than the Golden Eagle. All female eagles/ raptors are bigger than males.

Our final stop of the day was at an active Hen Harrier site, and we were treated to a newly fledged juvenile appearing to be ‘playful’ in the wind as he\she is on a big learning curb now with life on the wing!

DAY FIVE - East Mull

Our final day focussed on the east side of the island, and one key target species was Crossbills. We arrived at the woodland and heard calling birds within minutes, so walked down the track a short distance and managed to get views of what appeared to be a family party, including juveniles. Other bird species heard included Siskin, Coal Tit, Bullfinch and Goldcrest.

By the cost, we watched a Grey Heron catch at least four Butterfish and then shortly afterwards spotted an Otter in the bay! Two juvenile White-tailed Eagles were seen on the distant headland, which confirms another successful breeding effort by a pair on Mull!

We said goodbye to Iolo before heading further south down the coast to check another site. Otter, Common and Arctic Tern along with Eiders and Harbour Seals were all seen as we discussed all sightings from the last 5 days to finish the trip.

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